Understanding Workers' Compensation: Getting Help After a Work Injury
Getting hurt at work can be scary and confusing. You might not know what to do next. Workers' compensation is here to help you. Workers' compensation is a system that provides medical care and cash benefits for workers injured on the job or have become ill due to their work. It will help with wage replacement. if you get hurt or sick because of your job. It doesn't matter whose fault it was – you can get help. This system makes sure you get the medical treatment you need quickly. It also helps cover your lost wages, so you can focus on getting better and going back to work safely. Knowing your rights and the help you can get from workers' compensation is really important. If you get hurt at work, reach out to us. We’re here to help you understand what to do and get the support you need.
Is Your Patient's Injury a Worker’s Compensation Injury?
If your patient's injury is work-related, they may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. Here’s what you need to know:
To Schedule a Work-Related Injury Appointment:
Start a Claim:
Instruct your patient to call their supervisor, manager, or HR to start a claim and obtain a worker’s compensation case number.
Contact Us:
Please text or email the patient's name, hospital that they were seen at, and the patient's best contact number.
Have patient complete the Virginia Claim Form before their visit with us:
Encourage the patient to fill out the Virginia Claim Form as soon as possible. Let the patient know that failing to complete this form promptly could delay their ability to be seen.
Required Information for Patient’s Visit:
Insurance Information:
Name of the insurance company managing the worker’s compensation case.
Authorization Letter:
A letter from the assigned adjuster authorizing medical treatment for Dr. Scott or Next Journey Orthopaedics, including:
Claim Number
Payer specific address (including P.O. Box)
Employer name
Employer address
State of injury
Date of injury
Adjuster’s first and last name
Adjuster’s email and phone number
Injury location on the body
A valid photo ID.
Supporting Documents:
Any additional documents that may be helpful to the provider.
Required Information for Patient’s Visit:
Virginia Worker’s Compensation Contact Information:
Phone: (877) 664-2566
333 East Franklin Street
Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission
Richmond, VA 23219
By ensuring your patients have all the necessary information and documentation, you can help facilitate their treatment and the worker’s compensation claim process efficiently.