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Emergency Room Splinting Guide | Next Journey Orthopaedics

Quick Instructions for ER providers

At Next Journey Orthopaedics, we understand the urgency of stabilizing orthopedic injuries in the emergency room. This page provides concise, step-by-step instructions for correctly applying the most commonly used splints, ensuring proper immobilization before definitive orthopedic care.

Coaptation Splint - Mid shaft humerus fractures

  1. Position - Elbow flexed at 90 degrees if patient allows it.

  2. Material - Cut  2 to 4 inch wide orthoglass. Measure from the axilla or armpit, looping below or around the inside part of the elbow and up the lateral or outside the upper arm and ending over top of the shoulder.

  3. Apply Padding – Cover the entire humerus with soft padding.

  4. Apply Splint – Wrap around the humerus, ensuring immobilization.

  5. Secure with Bandages – Avoid over-tightening near the axilla.

  6. Assess Fit – Ensure adequate immobilization without restricting blood flow

Next Journey Orthopaedics

8251 Greensboro Dr.

Ste. 200

McLean, VA 22102

फोन: 571-416-8244

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