Pelvis and Hip
Neoprene Sleeve
Purpose: To provide extra support and help ease pain. They're great for healing from hamstring injuries or protecting your muscles during activities.
Use: Hamstring strain
Example: Thigh Brace
Hip Brace
Purpose: To provide support, stability, and compression to the hip joint.
Use: hip arthritis, hip dislocation, hip labral tear, hip bursitis, or hip tendonitis
Example: Hip Brace
Four Legged Cane
Purpose: To provide support and stability when walking when there is a hip injury.
Use: hip arthritis, hip dislocation, hip labral tear, hip bursitis, or hip tendonitis
SI Joint Belt
Purpose: To provide stabilization and support to the sacroiliac joint, reducing pain and discomfort associated with SI joint dysfunction.
Use: SI joint dysfunction, pelvic instability.
Example: Serola Sacroiliac Belt
Hip Flexor Brace
Purpose: To provide support and stability to the hip flexor muscles, reducing strain and discomfort.
Use: Hip flexor strain, hip flexor tendonitis.
Example: Mueller Hip Flexor Brace
Thigh and Knee
Knee Hinge Brace
Purpose: To provide support, stability, and protection to the knee joint, particularly after injury or surgery
Use: Patellofemoral Syndrome, Arthritis, ALC injuries, MCL injuries, LCL injuries
Example: Sparthos Knee Hinge Brace, Body Prox Knee Hinge Brace
Knee Immobilizer
Purpose: To restrict movement of the knee joint entirely or to a limited range to provide stability.
Use: Patellar Dislocations, Meniscus Tears
Example: Knee Immobilizer
Knee T-Scope Brace
Purpose: To provide postoperative support, stability, and controlled range of motion following knee surgery, particularly procedures involving ligament reconstruction or repair
Use: Post-Operative Knee Surgery
Example: Breg T-Scope Knee Brace
Purpose: To provide support and stability to the knee joint
Use: Patellofemoral Syndrome
Example: BraceAbility J-Brace
Patella Strap
Purpose: To alleviate pain and discomfort associated with patellar tendonitis or runner's knee by providing targeted compression to the patellar tendon.
Use: Patellar tendonitis, runner's knee.
Example: Cho-Pat Dual Action Patella Strap
Knee Compression Sleeve
Purpose: To support, stabilize, and provide pain relief for the knee joint
Use: Arthritis, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Patellar Tendonitis
Example: Copper Knee Compression Sleeve
IT Band Strap
Purpose: To alleviate pain and friction along the iliotibial (IT) band, reducing symptoms of IT band syndrome.
Use: IT band syndrome, runner's knee.
Example: Mueller IT Band Strap
Patellar Stabilizer Brace
Purpose: To provide additional support and stability to the patella (kneecap), reducing patellar instability and improving knee function.
Use: Patellar instability, chondromalacia patellae.
Example: DonJoy Tru-Pull Lite Patella Stabilizing Knee Brace
Leg and Ankle
Short Cam Boot
Purpose: To provide support and immobilization for foot and ankle injuries
Use: Foot sprains, Ankle sprains, Foot fractures
Example: United Short Cam Boot
Tall Cam Boot
Purpose: To offer support, stability, and immobilization for more severe foot and ankle injuries, typically extending higher up the leg
Use: Ankle fracture, tibia fracture, post-op recovery
Example: United Tall Cam Boot
Ankle Lace Up
Purpose: to provide support, stability, and compression to the ankle joint, helping to prevent or alleviate injuries such as sprains, strains, and instability
Use: Ankle sprains, ankle instability
Example: Sparthos Ankle Lace Up
Fracture Boot Sock
Purpose: To provide comfort, padding, and moisture-wicking properties while wearing a fracture boot
Use: with short cam boot, tall cam boot, or ankle lace up
Example: BraceAbility Cam Boot Sock
Ankle Stirrup Brace
Purpose: To provide rigid support and protection to the ankle joint, preventing excessive inversion or eversion movements.
Use: Ankle sprains, ankle instability.
Example: Aircast A60 Ankle Brace
Ankle Support Socks
Purpose: To provide compression and support to the ankle joint while also offering the benefits of a sock for comfort and moisture-wicking.
Use: Ankle stability, prevention of ankle injuries.
Achilles Tendon Brace
Purpose: To provide support and compression to the Achilles tendon, aiding in the treatment and prevention of Achilles tendonitis or Achilles tendon strains.
Use: Achilles tendonitis, Achilles tendon strains.
Example: Achilles Tendon Brace
Foot and Toes
Plantar Fasciitis Brace
Purpose: reducing tension on the plantar fascia, the brace can alleviate pain, inflammation, and discomfort associated with plantar fasciitis
Use: Plantar fascia
Example: Plantar Fascitiis Brace
Toe Gel Caps
Purpose: to provide cushioning, protection, and support for toes
Use: Corns, calluses, blisters, or ingrown toenails
Example: Zentoes Toe Gel Cap
Post-Op Shoe
Purpose: Help to minimize movement of the foot or toes. Provides a cushioned and stable platform to reduce pressure on the affected area
Use: post-operative surgery, foot fractures, soft tissue injuries
Example: BraceAbility Post-Op Shoe
Metatarsal Pads
Purpose: To alleviate pressure and discomfort on the metatarsal heads, reducing pain associated with conditions such as metatarsalgia or Morton's neuroma.
Use: Metatarsalgia, Morton's neuroma.
Bunion Splint
Purpose: To alleviate pain and discomfort associated with bunions by gently realigning the big toe and reducing pressure on the affected area.
Use: Bunion pain, bunion correction.
Example: Bunion Corrector and Toe Straightener