Worker’s Compensation Injury: Quick Guide for Providers
If the patient was injured at work, it's important to get the right care to help them to recover fully.
Is Your Patient's Injury a Worker’s Compensation Injury?
If your patient's injury is work-related, they may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. Here’s what you need to know:
To Setup a Work-Related Injury Emergency Room Follow Up:
- Start a Claim:
Instruct the patient to go our website g2n.info or www.nextjourneyortho.com as soon as possible and follow the instruction For Patients for Worker's Compensation. Also We highly recommend they fill out the Virginia Claim Form as soon as possible to avoid delays in being seen.
Contact Us:
Required Information for Patient’s Visit:
Insurance Information:
Name of the insurance company managing the worker’s compensation case.
Authorization Letter:
A letter from the assigned adjuster authorizing medical treatment for Dr. Scott or Next Journey Orthopaedics, including:
Claim Number
Payer specific address (including P.O. Box)
Employer name
Employer address
State of injury
Date of injury
Adjuster’s first and last name
Adjuster’s email and phone number
Injury location on the body
A valid photo ID.
Supporting Documents:
Any additional documents that may be helpful to the provider.
Required Information for Patient’s Visit:
Virginia Worker’s Compensation Contact Information:
Phone: (877) 664-2566
Mailing Address: Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission
333 East Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
By ensuring your patients have all the necessary information and documentation, you can help facilitate their treatment and the worker’s compensation claim process efficiently.